viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Sesiòn 2

Travelling in USA
Enseguida encontraràs un video y algunos links para que los explores, los disfrutes y hagas los ejercicios correspondientes.

Observa el video y contesta lo siguiente:

Describe los pasos para comprar un poster por internet.


Elige un lugar en Estados Unidos donde quisieras pasar tus vacaciones y averigua tarifas de hostales y sus caracterìsticas.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Sesiòn 1

Escucha atentamente y observa el video. Al terminar contesta el siguiente cuestionario

1 Where does the boy come from?
2 Does Julia come from Colombia?
3 Mention three places you can visit in Toronto?
4 Write down three activities you can practice in Toronto.
5 Would you like to visit Toronto and take an English Summer Course there?

Actividad 2
Da click en la siguiente liga, escoge el video Mini's Story y contesta las siguientes preguntas:
1 Who narrates the story?
2 Mention the names of five cats.
3 What's the grey cat's name ?
4Mention three routines Mini had in winter.
5 According to the narrator what is the "giant trespasser's" name?
6 What is Pewtr's girl's name?


Da click en la liga , observa el video detenidamente y contesta: True or False.
1 The cat is lying on the floor.
2 The cat has a green necklace.
3 The dog is eating some meat.
4 They are in the garden.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009


Hi there!
I'm your teacher Violeta and I have some good news for you.
This is going to be our additional classroom.
On this page you will find extra activities and other links to improve what you have learned at school.
It's so easy that even a baby can do it!
So, hands on!